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SP500 Dippbuyer – #30


S&P500 Dipp buyer - Since Year 2000


@ES (.D)

sp500 dippbuyer


Profit Factor: 2,83

Avg Trade: $660

Winning Trades: 77%

Trades: 233

Units: 1

A Closer Look into the trading strategy

This trading strategy is an old school dippbuyer in the index future SP500, but with a twist that has allowed it to last for over 20 years! This unique feature, combined with a profit factor close to the three-mark, is a reliable indicator of a real edge that has seen strong returns in the past.

However, as with any trading strategy, past results are not necessarily indicative of future performance, and caution should always be exercised when investing. With this in mind, this trading strategy can be a great way to capitalize on the potential of the index futures market and make a solid return on your investment. With careful consideration, this could be the perfect way for you to get the most out of the market.

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$42 Per Strategy


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