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An overnight trading strategy for Silverminers – #1


Silver Miner ETF



An overnight trading strategy for Silverminers - #1


Profit Factor: 7.6

Avg Trade: $35

Winning Trades: 74%

Trades: 35

Units: 100 

Shorting the Silver Miners ETF (SIL)

In trading, the simplest logics, often work the best!

This edge in the silver miner ETF (SIL) indeed is simple. It’s an overnight edge, which means that it enters on the close of a bar, and exits on the open.

The edge is composed of:

  1. A Recurrent Pattern
  2. A Range Filter

All edges come with open Tradestation code in Easy language. An ELD file and workspace.

An overnight trading strategy for Silverminers - #1


Monthly Trading Strategy Club

$42 Per Strategy


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