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Patterns in Cocao Futures Trading Strategy (DOJI) – #7





Patterns in Cocao Futures Trading Strategy (DOJI) - #7


Profit Factor: 1,75

Avg Trade: $264

Winning Trades: 59%

Trades: 350

A Closer Look

Finding things that work on cocoa can be challenging, at least compared to the most common stock indexes. Finding edges that have lasted for longer periods of time, like the one we present here, is even more challenging!

With this edge, you get a foundation to continue your research.

The edge is composed of:

  1. A Doji 
  2. Moving Average Filter
  3. A Price Action Filter
  4. A Time Exit

All edges come with open Tradestation code in Easy language. An ELD file and workspace.



Patterns in Cocao Futures Trading Strategy (DOJI) - #7


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$42 Per Strategy


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